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a pair of women practicing brazilian jiu jitsu at a Dunmore PA training gym

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

Our Brazilian jiu-jitsu program is designed to teach ground-based grappling techniques, with an emphasis on leverage and technique over brute strength. Students will learn to control opponents through various grappling positions, submissions, and escapes. With expert coaching and hands-on training, students can develop their technical skills, physical fitness, and mental toughness in a supportive and challenging environment.

Our program is open to all levels, from beginners to experienced practitioners. We believe that everyone can benefit from Brazilian jiu-jitsu, whether it’s to improve physical fitness, learn self-defense, or compete in grappling tournaments. We focus on individual progress and growth, tailoring our instruction to the needs and goals of each student.

two members of Good Tree MMA gym in Dunmore PA practice BJJ
a smiling student gives a thumb's up as he pins his partner in BJJ class

Our Brazilian jiu-jitsu program also fosters a strong sense of community, with students supporting each other and forming lasting bonds through training. We believe that the values of Brazilian jiu-jitsu, such as respect, perseverance, and humility, extend beyond the mat and can positively impact all areas of life.

Whether you are looking to improve your fitness, learn self-defense, or compete in grappling tournaments, our Brazilian jiu-jitsu program at Good Tree MMA provides expert coaching and a supportive community to help you reach your goals.

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